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The lamia's Latte



A deep dark roast of our highest scoring African coffees offering a bold, rich coffee flavor. The beans are shiny with an oil sheen and offer a bittersweet flavor with low acidity.





The Tale of Lamia’s Latte

In the annals of Greek mythology, there is a tale of a queen named Lamia, whose beauty and grace were renowned throughout the land. She was beloved by Zeus, which incited the wrath of Hera, the queen of the gods. In her jealousy, Hera inflicted a cruel punishment upon Lamia, driving her to madness and transforming her into a monstrous figure.

Lamia’s torment was unbearable, as she was cursed to wander the earth, haunted by the loss of her children and the relentless madness that consumed her. Yet, amidst her suffering, there was a glimmer of hope. The gods, moved by her plight, sought to create a remedy that could offer her moments of peace and clarity.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, took it upon herself to craft a special brew, a coffee that would soothe Lamia’s tormented mind and restore her sanity, if only for a brief respite. She gathered the finest beans from the sacred groves and infused them with herbs known for their calming properties.

This coffee, known as “Lamia’s Latte,” was a blend of rich, dark flavors with a hint of sweetness, symbolizing the duality of Lamia’s existence. The aroma was enchanting, and the taste was a perfect balance of bitterness and warmth, reflecting the struggle and solace intertwined in her story.

When Lamia drank the latte, the effects were profound. The madness that clouded her mind would lift, and for a fleeting moment, she would regain her humanity. Her eyes, once filled with sorrow and rage, would soften, and she would remember the love and joy she once knew.

“Lamia’s Latte” became a symbol of redemption and the power of compassion. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is a possibility for healing and peace. Those who drank it found comfort in its embrace, feeling a connection to Lamia’s strength and resilience.

To this day, “Lamia’s Latte” is celebrated as a coffee that brings solace to the weary and hope to the despairing. It serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of those who have suffered and the possibility of finding light amidst the shadows.

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